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Event Manager by Day, Entertainer by Night

Dominic Fischer is multi-talented: He has previously been an actor, been on stage as a musician, and won modeling competitions. As his full-time job, he looks after the strategic concept for events and campaigns at Dematic. It all fits together perfectly, he says. And he is a perfect fit for our series on interesting characters in the KION world.


Dominic Fischer was sitting in church when his path in life took a defining turn. The church, only because it’s a place to sing. And because the then 16-year-old Dominic’s singing was clearly impressive, he was approached by a woman asking whether he would consider joining the “Aschaffenburger Domspatzen” choir. “At the time, I was an awkward teenager without any self-confidence,” says Fischer. But that changed from this moment, thanks largely to music.

Dominic Fischer is now 33 years old and works at Dematic as Global Manager Events & Sponsorship. Over the years he has sung on big stages, appeared in films, and been crowned “Mister Bavaria.” A turning point in this biography, he says in retrospect, was the defining moment in the church. It was the first time that he thought about his effect on other people: “How do I look, how do I come across on stage, how does my voice sound?” Important questions that he still asks himself today. Two years after joining the Domspatzen choir, Aschaffenburg held a casting for a boy band. Fischer competes, wins, and is suddenly confronted with dance training, choreography training, and singing lessons. It is the early 2000s, and international pop groups like NSYNC are at the height of their careers. The “boy band” concept is being copied all over the world. Following suit, the group “SpektaCOOLAir” is formed in Aschaffenburg, with Fischer as a member. The band is not quite as successful as its international role models, but Fischer recognizes what can be achieved with ambition and willpower.

Dominic Fischer is the Global Manager Events & Sponsorship at Dematic, having previously completed a business degree and worked in the finance industry. He has been a member of various bands, appeared on television, and was voted “Mister Bavaria” in 2012.

From “Mister Spessart” to a Television Role

Dominic decided to leave the music industry, to start a modeling and television career by registering for the “Mister Spessart” competition – the beauty pageant in the Aschaffenburg region: “I actually only got involved because the main prize was a role in the TV program ‘Alarm for Cobra 11’,” he explains. Fischer wins the modeling competition, receives his television role, and is now on the books of the RTL channel. This means that he is also in demand for other formats, casting shows, and programs.

“These days, I get approached by the odd supply chain manager at trade fairs because they recognize me from TV shows,” explains Fischer. For him, these kinds of encounters are a good example of how a hobby and profession can complement each other. Music and film are his hobbies, his full-time job is the work at Dematic. Why? “You need a solid job,” says Fischer. But he doesn’t see it as that clear cut: It all blends together and complements each other. For instance, Fischer’s music financed his business degree. And, at the same time, he learned important life lessons: “As an artist, you need to understand what the public want from you,” he says. And the same is true for companies. On stage, the audience’s reaction is immediate, sometimes devastating, other times exuberant. Companies rarely receive this type of feedback, which makes it even more important to actively seek it. Similarly, a musician has to establish contacts, use networks, win people over. “That’s exactly what I do as Global Event Manager,” says Fischer. Everything blends together.

“As an artist, you need to understand what the public want from you. And the same is true for companies.”

From Pop Band to DSDS

He enjoyed his greatest success as a member of the pop boy band “Zeitflug”: “We were on the road every weekend, in some cases at festivals performing in front of up to 20,000 people,” describes Fischer. He wasn’t actually that interested in pop as a style of music, but he was curious. A trait that is apparent throughout his life. Initially, Fischer was still touring concert halls when he started at Dematic, but it became too much. And, besides that: “Too much commercialism,” says Fischer. “I never wanted to be commercial.”

Dominic Fischer with "Zeitflug".

Behind many of his actions you will also find a certain competitive mindset, as was the case with his very first casting for the Aschaffenburg boy group: “I love challenges, so I enjoy tackling problems – at work as well – and solving them.” In 2017, he participated in the talent show “Deutschland sucht den Superstar,” but then withdrew as the rules and regulations involved in the format became too strict for him, and was also on the RTL dating show “Take Me Out” with millions of viewers: “The main reason was to advertise a new song; television advertising is absolutely vital.”

He does have a bit of a problem in that he is interested in too many things, admits Fischer. But, at the same time, that also benefits his professional life: He brings the essence of all his experiences together as an event manager for Dematic: “For instance, I understand that you make a better impression if you are authentic. The audience in front of the stage feels it – and the same goes for customers.” In his job, Fischer is not afraid to reveal personal information because this creates that all-important feeling of proximity and, he adds, over his career he has learned to take an interest in people: “You hear stories and keep fragments for your everyday life.”

Dominic Fischer spent around three years with the pop band “Zeitflug,” achieving chart hits and appearing at major events. The unique selling point: vocals by three young men. “There was not a lot of young talent on the pop scene,” remembers Fischer. That alone set them apart. Even prior to this, he had already formed a band himself: the pop/rock group “Verlegen,” which made around 200 appearances and was crowned the best newcomer band in Hesse.

Dematic Stands for Innovation and New Ideas

His employer is the perfect fit, says Fischer: “Dematic is innovative, we stand for diversity, sustainability, and new ideas. Most people don’t see how attractive and entertaining automation can be.” But the image can only be improved, he says, with credibility and an interest in customer feedback. Fischer feels a personal responsibility for both.

Music is still part of his life. Fischer is now a solo artist and is still producing songs. But, most importantly, “I am constantly listening to music and use it to generate my ideas.” Music has always been a source of inspiration, in every situation in life. Even today, when he thinks of a good quote for a keynote speech while listening to music.